
When Faith Takes Office

Published: April 13, 2021

When Faith Takes OfficeWhen semi-trucks access Greenvilles industrial park via the overpass off Route 40, Alan Gaffner 76 sees more than an appealing draw for businesses that rely on trucking; he also sees a roadway fully funded by state and federal dollars. When he passes Greenvilles Federal Correctional Institution, he sees more than a penitentiary; he also sees jobs filled by Greenville residents.

Both projects resulted from the city councils collaborative work and Gaffners personal calling to serve Greenville as a councilman and then mayornearly 30 years of public service.

While Gaffner enjoys solving problems, he understands why people avoid elected office. Scrutiny of office-holders opinions and choosing sides on emotionally charged issues invite tension.

When you serve a community of 7,000 residents there are lots of diverse opinions, he says. Still, he stays committed. Im a firm believer in the adage, When good people do nothing, bad things happen.

Gaffners full-time professional role for more than 30 years with Greenville Regional Hospital allowed him to interface with state and federal government offices. He learned how careful navigation of set procedures brings great rewards. If Greenville had not pursued the penitentiary and overpass projects, other communities would have seized those opportunities.

Projects like these can take months and years to come to fruition, but Gaffner draws strength from Galatians 6:9 Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As mayor, he tries to let his faith lead the way.

Gaffner has noticed others doing the same.

In recent years, Ive been refreshed to hear elected officials talk about their faith, he says. Still, an alarming counterforce in legislation at the state and federal levels continues to push against that very expression of faith.

He offers another adage: When Christians do nothing, evil prevails.

In Gaffners estimation, that counterforce should move Christians to engage in political processes. Much is at stake.

GC Vision: We inspire our students to embrace God's call. Go here to tell us your story about embracing God's call.

When Faith Takes Office

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