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How Do I Choose a Major?

"Now that you're all grown up and have a high school education, it's high time for you to decide what you would like to do with the rest of your life." Wait, what? As if college hunting isn't enough, now I have to plan my life path too? How do...

Michelle Biernbaum  |  June 30, 2017

5 Non-Negotiable Necessities for Your Dorm Room

So, you're shopping for your new dorm room! As you compare bedding, posters, and Pinterest crafts, don't forget the practical necessities. Even if you've planned with the best of them, here are some items you may not have considered. 1. Blankets / Fan With central heating and air in the residence halls,...

Michelle Biernbaum  |  June 30, 2017

The Truth About a Small Christian University

Take everything you think you know about attending a small Christian University and scrap it for a second. "But it would be so boring!" "Aren't there only, like, eight people on campus?" "Isn't it better to make career connections at big schools?" Nope, no, and not even close. Here's the...

Michelle Biernbaum  |  June 30, 2017

Is College Really Worth It?

As the cost of tuition for college increases, many students wonder if a degree is even worth it. "Why spend four years of my life working toward a diploma that isn't guaranteed to help me get a job?" When you look at the overwhelming cost of higher education, it's tempting...

Michelle Biernbaum  |  June 21, 2017

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