At Greenville University, our faculty are mentors, wise guides, and friends to our students. They desire to know you and see things in you that you may not even see in yourself.
Graduates come back to campus to have coffee with their favorite professors. Students are invited to professors' homes and become a part of their families.
The faculty members committed to GU are here because they care about our mission of empowering students for lives of character and service through a transforming Christ-centered education.
Get to know our faculty members.
George Ackerman
Adjunct Instructor
Joseph Alstat
Adjunct Instructor
Mike Aragon
Adjunct Instructor
Eric Nord, PhD
Associate Professor of Biology; Chair of Biology and Chemistry, and Faculty Moderator
Snyder Hall, Room 223
Paul Sunderland
Assistant Professor of Music; Music Department Chair; Faculty Moderator
Whitlock Music: Room 213
Kathryn Taylor
Assistant Vice President, Faculty Development and Teaching
4th Floor Ruby E. Dare Library
Erick Baer
Adjunct Instructor
Megan Beeler
Adjunct Instructor
George Barber
Head Men's Basketball Coach, Professor of Kinesiology and Sport
Athletics Offices
Eric Watterson
Assistant Vice President Instruction, Assessment, and Innovation
Elizabeth Bays
Director of Equestrian Program
Marty Beans
Instructor of General Studies
Shannan Bernico
Adjunct Instructor
Anne Borwick
Adjunct Instructor
Christopher Borwick
Educational Technologist
Library 1st Floor
Craig Boyd
Adjunct Instructor
Joanna Boyd-Wilhite
Melanie Brink
Adjunct Instructor
Ronald Brown
Adjunct Instructor
Bryson Buehrer
Adjunct Instructor
Joseph Burress
Adjunct Instructor
Heather Burt
Adjunct Instructor
Todd Cantrell
Adjunct Instructor
Jacquelyn Cato
Adjunct Instructor
Crystal Cheeseman
Adjunct Instructor
Donna Chenoweth
Adjunct Instructor
Susan Chism
Adjunct Instuctor
Halie Clayton
Adjunct Instructor
Jennifer Coburn
Adjunct Instructor
Jonathan Crandall
Adjunct Professor
David Dahlbeck
Adjunct Instructor
Grace Denton, DMA
Assistant Professor of Music; Director of Vocal Studies; Program Director for the BS in Commercial Music Performance
Whitlock 203
Sam Duchac
Adjunct Professor
Mollie Easley
Adjunct Instructor
Kollin Fields
Assistant Professor of History; Director McAllaster Scholars Honors Program
La Casa
Grace Fisher
Adjunct Professor
Shawn Foles
Assistant Professor Criminal Justice
TJ Gaylord
Adjunct Professor
Becky Geyer
Adjunct Instructor
Darien Guy
Adjunct Professor
Heather Gilmore
Assistant Professor of Elementary Education
Clinton Harkins
Criminal Justice Adjunct Instructor
Emily Hess
Shared Services Specialist for the College of Arts and Sciences
Snyder 102/ Whitlock 211
Adam Hill, PhD
Assistant Professor of History and Chair, Department of Humanities
Peter Hough
Adjunct Professor
Katie Hopley
Director of Field Experience & Clinical Practice
Duane Houghtaling
Adjunct Instructor
Mary Hughes
Adjunct Instructor
Ruth Huston
Permanent Part-time Instructor
Peter Ibenana
Adjunct Instructor
Kathy Ice
Adjunct Professor
Howard Iler
Adjunct Professor
Martha Iler
Adjunct Professor
Bennjamin Jane
Adjunct Professor
D. Nathan Jenkins
Assistant Professor of Business and Director of Accounting Program
Heather Johnson-Gilmore
Assistant Professor of Elementary Education
Ladue 401
Kathleen Jones
Adjunct Instructor
David Justice
Adjunct Instructor
JKL Building
Rob Kellar
Adjunct Professor
John Lane
Adjunct Professor
Kasey Laughlin
Adjunct Professor
Justin Laughlin
Adjunct Professor
John LeTellier
Associate Professor of Music
Whitlock Music Center
Jay Levy
Adjunct Professor
Lisa Long
Criminal Justice Adjunct Instructor
Joy Lowman
Adjunct Professor
Amanda Marbury
Adjunct Professor
Kari Martin
Adjunct Professor
Aubrey McClain, Ph.D.
Shapiro Chair of Jewish-Christian Studies and Assistant Professor of Theology
JKL 103
Danara Moore
Dean of Experiential Learning, Assistant Professor of Music Business
Library 2nd floor
Jennifer Murphy
Adjunct Professor
Mauricio Nava, Doctoral M.A.
Associate Professor of Modern Languages
La Casa Cultural
Luke Nicholson
Adjunct Professor
Helo Oidjarv, PhD, MSW
Director of Social Work and Associate Professor of Social Work
Jamie Orban
Adjunct Faculty
B.J Parker
Adjunct Professor
Philip Parker
Adjunct Professor
Michael Peppler
Adjunct Professor
Jeremy Pestle
Adjunct Instructor
Bethany Peters
Adjunct Faculty
Steve Pichaske
Adjunct Professor
Thomas Plogue
Adjunct Instructor
David Probst, Ph.D., P.E.
Professor and Chair, Department of Physics and Engineering
Snyder Hall 101C
Kelli Pryor
Director of Experiential Partnerships
Beth Rader
Adjunct Professor
George Reeves
Adjunct Professor
Austin Rexroad
Adjunct Professor
Mollie Rice
Adjunct Professor
Joshua Rockey
Adjunct Instructor
Zachary Rugen
Adjunct Professor
Zachary Runquist
Instructor - CMC Nashville
Jon Sato
Adjunct Professor
Sarah Schannot
Adjunct Education Professor
Laura Schaub
Early Childhood Professor and Program Coordinator
Ladue 406
Keeli Snow ABD
Director of the Business Management Program and Instructor
Dietzman 210
Kayla Spitler
Adjunct Instructor
Jon Stamm
Adjunct Professor
Terry Swalley
Adjunct Instructor
Barb Tackett
Licensure Officer
Heidi Tarasuik
Adjunct Professor
Shiney Thomas-Jacob
Adjunct Instructor
Jennifer Thompson
Adjunct Instructor
Danielle Traylor
Adjunct Professor
Allen Turner
Adjunct Professor
Vanda Underwood
Adjunct Professor
Tara Walk
Criminal Justice Adjunct Instructor
Gang Wang
Assistant Professor of Physics and Engineering
Synder Hall 112
Benjamin Wayman
James F. and Leona N. Andrews Chair in Christian Unity & Associate Professor of Theology; Department Chair Bastian School of Theology, Philosophy, and Ministry
JKL Academic Hall 104
Jessica Wiegand
Adjunct Professor
Christopher Williams
Adjunct Professor
Christine Wills
Adjunct Professor
Jillian Wojcik
Adjunct Professor
Jay Wright
Adjunct Professor
Rachel Yaw
Adjunct Professor
Heather Zitlau
Adjunct Professor
Ephias Makaudze
Associate Professor Agribusiness
Briner School of Business | Dietzman Hall
Grant Trudel, DSC, MScAIT, BSc
Associate Professor Computer Information Science
Matthew McPeak, ITEP, MAT, DC
Assistant Professor of Biology
Snyder Hall