Pre-Osteopathic Early Acceptance Program

Pre-Osteopathic Early Acceptance Program at Greenville University

Greenville University’s pre osteopathic medicine early acceptance program is a part of a partnership with A.T. Still University (ATSU) comprising of the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine (KCOM) located in Kirksville, MO, offers doctor of osteopathic medicine (D.O.), master of Biomedical sciences (M.S.), or a dual degree D.O./M.S. A.T.

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GU in a View


After acceptance to the program, you can spend the last two years at Greenville University meeting graduation major/minor requirements, taking electives, fulfilling internship and/or service opportunities, and otherwise broadening your life experiences.

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Early Admission

The pre osteopathic medicine program is designed to provide early admission to outstanding sophomore level students who desire to become Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine. The advantage for those students accepted after completing their sophomore year at Greenville University is to have a reserved seat in KCOM’s entering class upon graduation.

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Scholars will be awarded an academic scholarship for ATSU, KCOM.


Why GU

Personalized Attention

Personalized Attention

Experience personal growth and plan your career under the guidance of faculty who know your name and cheer your success. GU’s 11:1 student/faculty ratio and community atmosphere allow professors to invest in their students and know your strengths and abilities in the field of social work.



Learn to incorporate your faith into both your studies and your career.

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