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Theology Minor

Core Course Requirements

THEO451 Foundations of Christian Doctrine (3 Credits)

An historical and philosophical study of the development of Christian theology over the centuries. Prerequisite: THEO 110 or THEO 310. Offered: Fall semester.

THEO452 Methods in Wesleyan Theology (3 Credits)

An introduction to theological method, with a focus on doing Wesleyan theology in the 21st century. A consideration of how the student may do theology today Prerequisite: Senior Status. (Offered spring semester.)

Old Testament Courses

- Complete three credits. BIBL courses required for the minor are in addition to the general education requirement. (Courses Required: 1)

BIBL205 Old Testament Survey (3 Credits)

This course introduces the student to the central story of the Old Testament by examining its characters, events, unifying themes, and literary characteristics. Meets the general education biblical studies requirement. (Offered every semester.)

BIBL320 Wisdom/Poetic Lit of Old Testament (3 Credits)

Intensive analyses of the ideas and literary patterns of the books of Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job, Song of Solomon, and certain other selections from the inter-testamental literature of the Hebrews. Cross-listed with BIBL 120. Meets the general education biblical studies requirement. (Offered spring semester in odd calender years.)

BIBL321 Torah (3 Credits)

The course focuses on the first five books of the Bible, also known as Torah or Law. As the first major section of the Bible, Torah is foundational to the rest of the Biblical witness. In this course students will ascertain the primary theological emphases of a narrative that begins with creation and ends with the death of Moses. Meets the general education upper division writing intensive requirement. (Offered fall semester.)

BIBL322 Prophets (3 Credits)

A critical and exegetical study of the Former (Joshua, Judges, Samuels, and Kings) and the Latter (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the Twelve) Prophets with special consideration given to the social, political, and religious conditions of their times. Attention is given to the ministry and message both for their time and the present age. (Offered spring semester of even calendar years.)

New Testament Courses

- Complete three credits. BIBL courses required for the minor are in addition to the general education requirement. (Courses Required: 1)

BIBL120 Wisdom/Poetic Lit of Old Testament (3 Credits)

Intensive analyses of the ideas and literary patterns of the books of Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job, Song of Solomon, and certain other selections from the inter-testamental literature of the Hebrews. Cross-listed with BIBL 320. Meets the general education biblical studies requirement. (Offered spring semester in odd calender years.)

BIBL215 New Testament Survey (3 Credits)

The course is a rapid survey of the books of the New Testament, focusing primarily on their content and theology. The course will also acquaint the student with the political, social, and religious environment of the New Testament period and introduce the student to issues of authorship, dating, transmission, and canon. Meets the general education biblical studies requirement. (Offered every semester.)

BIBL253 Matthew Mark Luke (3 Credits)

Intensive study of the three synoptic Gospels as they interpret the works and words of Jesus Christ. Meets the general education biblical studies requirement. Cross listed with BIBL 353. (Offered fall semester.)

BIBL352 Paul's Letters (3 Credits)

A close study of Paul's letters in the New Testament, focusing on issues that arise in those letters and in the culture of the first-century church.

BIBL353 Matthew, Mark, Luke (3 Credits)

Intensive study of the three synoptic Gospels as they interpret the works and words of Jesus Christ. Meets the general education biblical studies requirement. Cross listed with BIBL 253. (Offered fall semester.)

Choose THEO343 or 344

(Courses Required: 1)

HIST343 Early Christianity (3 Credits)

The systematic study of the development of Western Christendom from the first through the fifteenth centuries focusing on major themes, figures, actions, and impulses. The historical method of research will be employed as a means of helping students to gain a contextualized understanding and appreciation for the developing role of the church and its relationship to culture. A major emphasis will be placed on the reading of primary sources as a means for understanding the development of Christian theology. Cross listed with THEO 343. Prerequisite: THEO 110. (Offered spring semester of odd calendar years.)

THEO343 Early Christianity (3 Credits)

An historical and theological study of Christian thinking and practice from the first through the sixth centuries focusing on major movements, moments, and people. Primary sources will be foundational to this study. Crosslisted with HIST 343. Prerequisite: THEO 110 or THEO 310. (Offered spring semester of odd calendar years.)

THEO344 Modern Christianity (3 Credits)

The systematic study of the development of Western Christendom from the sixteenth through the twentieth centuries focusing on major themes, figures, actions, and impulses. The historical method of research will be employed as a means of helping students to gain a contextualized understanding and appreciation for the developing role of the church and its relationship to culture. A major emphasis will be placed on the reading of primary sources as a means for understanding the development of Christian theology. Cross listed with HIST 344. Prerequisite: THEO 110 or THEO 310. (Offered spring semester of even calendar years.)

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