EXPERIENCE. THE DIFFERENCE of Greenville University
and get more than you imagined from your college experience.
Whether you are applying as a traditional undergraduate and looking for the total GU experience or want to complete your degree. Whether you are seeking one of our Master's degrees or are looking to apply as an international student, we are here to help. At Greenville University, you will be seen, known and valued. You will be guided through the process from enrollment through the GU experience and how to lead a life of character and service.
total enrollment: 1054
founded in 1892
50+ majors, minors & programs

In This Section

Request Information
I'd like to learn more about attending GU!

Undergraduate Admissions
Find your passions and live your adventure. Then go change your world.

Transfer Admissions
At GU, we are committed to making it as easy as possible for you to complete your degree.

International Admissions
Our university is home to an increasing number of international students.

Graduate Admissions
Our online programs are designed to provide the flexibility you need to succeed.

Online Admissions
Greenville University's online programs are designed to provide the flexibility you need to succeed

Veterans & Military
Welcome Service Members, Veterans, and Military-Affiliated Students to Greenville University! We are proud to have you join our community!

Additional Resources
Get all of your new student questions answered. Hear from students who were once just like you. Find your fit here.

Connect With Us
Put a face to the name and get to know your counselor and support team. We're here to guide you every step of the way!