GU has several organizations on campus for which you can be a part.
Black Student Union
The Black Student Union’s purpose is to enrich, cultivate, and enlighten all students by encouraging diversity and giving a voice to those students who usually might not have one. In doing that we help to promote self-love of the individual, academic success, financial literacy, amongst many other things in alliance with the black student body. In hopes of creating a more diverse and inclusive environment, that will help bring the community here on campus and anywhere else God allows us to.
Campus Activities Board (CAB)
Campus Activities Board is a group of 6 student volunteers who plan and coordinate the majority of social activities on campus. Our mission statement clarifies our purpose and objective in planning each event.
CAB strives to be a God-led, unified organization creating opportunities for both personal and group growth. We are dedicated, through prayer and planning, to provide edifying entertainment and Christian fellowship for the Greenville University Community.
What are some of the activities CAB plans for the campus?
- Back to School Bash - amusement park style games, food, music, and lots of fun.
- Coffeehouses
- Movies
- Comedy acts
- Sports tournaments
- T.W.I.R.P. The Woman is Requested to Pay weeks
- M.I.C.E. Men Initiate Creative Entertainment weeks
- Concerts
- Trips to St. Louis (museums, games, ice skating, restaurants, parks and thrift stores)
- Annual events like the Fall Carnival, Christmas Cafe, Mystery Dinner Theatre, and Midnight Breakfast.
Equestrian Program and Club
The equestrian program is for experienced horse enthusiasts who want to be a part of a Christ-like community, grow in horsemanship skills and riding abilities. Members will participate in clinics to learn how to conduct riding lessons and will receive preliminary exposure to using horses for therapy and emotional healing.
Interested students can apply now for a $21,500 annual and renewable equestrian character and service scholarship.
Factory Theatre
The Factory Theatre club is open to students, faculty, staff, and community members interested in theatre, whether acting, tech or just enjoying the shows! The club’s officers additionally host annual, fun events like movie nights, ceremonies, and games.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
FCA is a national organization to bring student athletes together at various events and to celebrate their Christian commitments.
Greenville Student Government Association (GSGA)
Greenville Student Government Association (GSGA) serves as the liaison between the students and the faculty and administration of Greenville University. We serve the student body by providing many character building and service oriented activities.
The Executive Cabinet, made up of 8 students, governs the Student Association. Of the eight members of Executive Cabinet, two, the Student Association President and Executive Vice President, are elected by the student body. A selection panel made up of student leaders and faculty advisors chooses the other six, Vice President of Campus Activities, Vice President of International Affairs Board, Vice President of Student Outreach, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Community Relations and Executive Secretary.
Students can also get involved by participating in the Campus Activities Board, or CAB, planning quality entertainment for members of the College Community. Also, Greenville Student Outreach, or GSO, provides a variety of student-run ministry opportunities for the College Community.
Each of the four classes, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior, has a group of class officers elected by their class to serve them for that year. The President and Vice President of each class serve on the Inter-Class Council, chaired by the Executive Vice President, which seeks to create class unity through Class Competitions and Service Projects.
Also, the President and Senator of each class serve on the Student Senate along with 18 other students elected by the student body. Student Senate, chaired by the Executive Vice President, deals with the concerns of the student body at large. Members of Senate have the opportunity to serve on Faculty Committees, voice the concerns of the students, and learn more about the workings of the college.
Intramurals take place throughout the year with different sport and activity seasons. In the fall, when the weather is nice, wiffle ball, flag football, kickball, dodgeball, and ultimate frisbee occur on Scott Field. Other intramural sports include a six week basketball league, a two week indoor soccer league, and a two and a half week indoor volleyball league. In each league, the top four teams compete in a championship tournament at the end of the season.
Mosaic Student Association is a student lead organization that tries to bring a diversity of all backgrounds together with whatever event we do. We know that having different opinions on topics is important and that’s why Mosaic is so important on campus, We try our best to let each student know they have a voice!
You are more than a test score, and at Greenville University, you can be awarded for your character and the way in which you have served throughout your life so far. Students who have received the Panther Scholarship meet together, grow in community, and look for ways to develop their character and serve their communities.
Table Tennis
Greenville University Table Tennis Team was founded in 2018 by Mark Islas (President), and Sam Alender (Vice President). This club was created because people recognized that several students on campus loved playing ping pong casually, wanted to get better, and possibly even play some good competition. During the last two years, the club has created an environment where those wanting to improve their skill can play and learn from one another, ultimately earning themselves a spot on the traveling team. The team is part of the NCTTA (National Collegiate Table Tennis Organization) and travels once in the Fall and Spring. Depending on their performance in the two events, they could proceed to the Midwest Tournament, and so on, with the goal being the National Tournament.
The traveling team has openings for 8-9 spots, those spots being 4-5 on each the Varsity and JV. At the end of the day however we just want to spread the love of table tennis across campus, encourage more students to play, and simply offer another way for students both new and returning to have community with one another. You do not have to be on the traveling team to be part of the club, all you have to do is want to play with your fellow students! We are open for anybody to join!
The Simple Room
The Simple Room is a Youth Development Center for disadvantaged youth in Greenville, Illinois. GU students are hired on our staff through federal work-study and work with the kids after school in their specific field of study. GU students also volunteer in our Tutoring Program, tutoring kids one one one with homework. They also volunteer in Recreation and Activity programs doing hands-on learning and active games. Students have become a part of our Mentoring Program where they're matched with one student and enter into a mentor role.
Vespers is a completely student-led night of worship held on Thursday nights at 9:30 pm. Every Vespers we have a member of our student body give the message and a student Pursuit band leads worship for us. The laid back, student-focused, worship oriented space provides a space for students to encounter the presence of God and connect more deeply with the people around them.
Women in Leadership
The Women in Leadership scholars meet monthly for the purpose of social connection, service to our community, encouragement to one another, and empowerment for women.
WGRN 89.5 FM is Greenville University’s campus radio station. We play a wide variety of music and broadcast GU chapel services, concerts, and Panthers sporting events. We also host several campus events each semester. There are countless ways students lend their talents to WGRN and gain valuable experience, both on the radio and behind the scenes. We have several management positions that we seek to fill at the start of each year.