Safety Services

Safety Escort Program

The Safety Escort Program is only one of the many services that Campus Safety provides, but it might possibly be the most important. The Safety Escort Program is a free service provided to all students, faculty and community members during the evening and early morning hours. The objective is to provide safety, based on the "buddy" system, which is to simply provide another person to travel with you to your destination.

Safety Escorts are available for anyone, male or female, and is encouraged if you are walking alone. A Safety Escort can be requested by simply calling the CARS Line at 618.664.7777 (from a campus phone dial 7777). Once an escort is requested, you will be asked your name, location, a room number if applicable, and your specific destination. Security officer or student workers will then respond and walk with you.


Operation Identification

You can help stop a thief by participating in OPERATION IDENTIFICATION. This program requires a small amount of time and effort on your part, and involves marking and then inventorying your property. Marking denies the would-be thief a market for stolen items as well as deters by increasing the likelihood of a thief being caught in possession of stolen items. OPERATION IDENTIFICATION also works when your property is recovered and helps you identify it so it can be returned to you.

An inventory of your valuables provides you with a record of the necessary information you will need to give to the authorities when and if you are victimized. A form to assist you with this can be picked up from Campus Safety. Items to include are your MP3 players, video game consoles and games, computers, or any other items you value. Most items are easily marked utilizing an electric engraver, which is available for use in the Office of Campus Safety located in Schroeder House. If you have an item that is too large or impracticable to bring in, let Campus Safety know and we will make arrangements to bring the engraver to you. If you have questions or would like further information about OPERATION IDENTIFICATION, please contact Campus Safety.


ID Cards

The Office of Campus Safety and Security issues all student, employee and faculty ID cards. Should you need a card please contact our office to make an appointment.

Identification Cards are issued as proof of membership in the University community and must be carried at all times.

Identification cards must be presented upon request by any University official, including Campus Safety personnel, Residence Life staff members, dining facility administrators, and librarians. Additionally, your ID card may be necessary to gain entry into University facilities and University-sponsored events. Failure to produce your ID when requested by a University official may result in disciplinary action. Cards are not transferable and may not be used by anyone other than the person it was issued to. Alteration or misuse of our University ID card is a serious infraction of University policy and will result in disciplinary action.

Replacement cards will be provided at no cost for the following reasons:

  • Normal wear and tear (includes inability to scan at Dining Commons or Library)
  • Name changes due to marriage or other legal name change
  • Incorrect information including student ID number, issued date, or name

NOTE: If replacing an ID card, old card must be turned in to the Office of Campus Safety.

  • A $20 fee will be charged for printing replacement cards for the following reasons:
    • Lost card
    • Stolen card
    • Defacement or damage beyond normal wear and tear
    • Any other reason not listed

DO NOT bend or punch holes (Campus Safety can do this for you upon request) in your ID Card, this may damage the card causing it to stop working.

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