Welcome to Greenville University, where God is still rolling stones.
The lyrics of “Still Rolling Stones” by Christian recording artist Lauren Daigle declare the transformative power of faith. We at GU hold tightly to that faith. We know God still rolls stones.
- He still breathes life and revival into GU students and renewal into the faithful who mentor and guide them.
- He still breathes the capacity for inspired participation into GU’s extended community of alumni, friends, and friends to come.
- God’s divine breath ensures that Greenville University remains a transformative force in His kingdom.
- Created in God’s image, with a unique story and calling
- Welcomed as they are, from wherever they’re from and no matter their hurts
- We help them identify, embrace, and live into the story God has for them
- Grounded in our historic mission of education for character and service, combined with innovative teaching methods, GU will provide what students need for success in work and in life.
- We will walk alongside our students into the world with its problems and opportunities.
- We use experiential education as a centerpiece of our curriculum to practice the skills necessary to engage in real-world issues.
- We point our students to Jesus, the healer, and they are prepared to go forth and bring healing to their world.
- Students receive wisdom and training for an integrated career path.
- Students gain a connection base of alums and friends of the institution, whose mentorship can last a lifetime.
- Christ calls us to serve, not to be served. The experiences at Greenville University will prepare students to see the world differently and to serve and support others differently.
- Students are sent forth equipped to come alongside others in vocation and service toward Christ’s great commission, as we have modeled for them.
- God is “still rolling stones” to let the light of Christ shine His saving grace into Greenville University students’ hearts and minds!
- We will be vessels in this great work at Greenville University, to rise up to disciple students and help them find the sacred place of God’s call on their lives.
- We will make a difference in Christian higher education, especially in students’ lives.
- In American culture, there exists a longing for hope and meaning. We will assist the church in reconciling the world to Christ by sending out into culture the kind of people our world so desperately needs.
Join us on the great adventure God has in store for Greenville University.
Our Mission
Greenville University empowers students for lives of character and service through a transforming Christ-centered education.
For more than 130 years, students from all over the world have benefited from GU’s mission-driven work. Equipped to think critically, solve problems, create, inspire, lead, and collaborate, they have become salt and light across the United States and worldwide.Today’s graduates blend faith, learning, character, and service into business, medicine, education, ministry, technology, financial services, science, music, and others.
Our Core Values
Christ is Truth
Our belief that all truth is God’s truth grounds us. It assures us that our pursuit of truth in any field of study reveals something about God’s creation and character. Our academic and spiritual journeys intertwine. When we pursue truth in any aspect of life, we pursue God Himself.
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” He, the ultimate source of truth, guides us in our quest for knowledge and understanding. We strive to align our discoveries with His teachings.
At GU, we encourage a diligent and holistic approach to learning. “Christ is truth” compels us to seek truth with intellectual integrity, spiritual discernment, and humble hearts.
Scripture reference: John 14:6
Called to Serve
Jesus embodies servant leadership. Just as He took a towel and washed His disciples’ feet, we serve others selflessly. We focus on the needs of those around us, especially the needs of the “least of these.” Answering the call to serve means “taking a towel” and following Jesus’ example of humble service. We prioritize the well-being of others, foster an environment of mutual respect and care, and address conflicts constructively. Called to serve, we commit to act with integrity, support one another, and make decisions that reflect our accountability to God and each other. As servants, we create a community that values each individual and empowers each member to contribute to the greater good.
Scripture reference: John 13:1-5
Fearless Living
When the disciple Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on water toward Jesus, he demonstrated the courage to adapt and embrace the unknown. Fearless living means remaining “on the water” with our eyes on Jesus. It means prioritizing what truly matters. We put faith over fear. We learn and grow despite challenges. We step out in faith, trust in God’s guidance, and remain resilient in the face of adversity. We know that our focus on Christ helps us navigate any storm.
Scripture reference: Matthew 14:22-33
The parable of the talents teaches us that authentic faithfulness means maximizing what has been entrusted to us, rather than spreading ourselves too thinly. It emphasizes the pursuit of excellence through dedicated focus and the wise investment of our talents. Good stewards remember to be “faithful in a few things.” They wisely invest their talents and resources. They are diligent and responsible and strive for high standards in all endeavors.
Scripture reference: Matthew 25:14-30
Courageous Care
Mark’s gospel tells of the friends who tore the roof off a house to get their paralytic friend to Jesus. Likewise, we are called to serve others with fierce resolve and unyielding grit. Courageous care embodies love and determination that make a difference despite obstacles. We act selflessly. Our compassion translates into tangible actions that uplift and support our brothers and sisters. We break down barriers and go to extraordinary lengths to serve. We profoundly impact our community and beyond.
Scripture reference: Mark 2:3-5
Our Identity
GU is an Innovative, Immersive, and Interconnected institution that offers a Christ-centered education utilizing the power of experiential learning to fulfill our mission of empowering students’ lives for character and service.
INNOVATIVE: Student Enrollment and Development
IMMERSIVE: Learning through Experiences
INTERCONNECTED: Partnerships and Networks
in this section

GU has empowered students for lives of character and service for over 130 years. Learn why students chose Greenville, why alumni credit GU, and why faculty choose to teach here.

Facts & Stats
Want to learn about GU? Here are some quick facts & stats.

Our Story & History
Be a part of our 130+ years of history, innovating and empowering lives for character and service at Greenville University.

Message from the President
President Suzanne Allison Davis provides a welcome message to visitors of the Greenville University website.