Core Course Requirements
Basic principles of chemical reactions and descriptive chemistry are integrated in terms of atomic structure, bonding theory, molecular geometry, reaction rates, equilibrium, and thermodynamics. Meets the general education laboratory science requirement. (Three lecture hours and three lab hours per week.) (Offered fall semester.) Corequisite: CHEM 111L
This course introduces students to engineering. Students will study the history of engineering, explore various engineering disciplines and scientific principles behind engineering, engage in design and problem solving processes, and learn safety procedures. Students also practice decision-making, teamwork, and effective communication through key projects. Meets the general education foundation of liberal arts requirement. (Offered fall semester.)
The course introduces the fundamental concepts of scientific and engineering programming. Topics include algorithms and data types, control structures, functions, arrays, files, and the mechanics of running, testing, debugging and problem solving. A high-level language such as Python or C++ will be used. (Offered spring semester.)
Direct-current circuits; circuit elements; Kirchoff
Introduces modeling and design using multiple means. Topics include creative idea generation, the use of computer-aided design including parametric design, assembling, communicating and collaborating, process planning, computer simulation and control, human factors and ergonomics in design, and the history and practices of aesthetics in engineering design. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 101. (Offered Spring semester.)
A study of vector forces and their analysis, equilibrium of particles and of rigid bodies, structural analysis and internal forces, distributed forces, center of gravity and centroids. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 101 and PHYS 200. ENGR 250 and PHYS 200 may be taken concurrently. (Offered fall semester.)
This course builds on concepts introduced in prior coursework in static systems. It considers the mathematical description of rigid bodies in motion under the action of forces, moments and couples, solving problems of kinematics and kinetics for particles and rigid bodies using energy, momentum, and angular momentum conservation laws. It also introduces Lagrangian and Hamiltonian methods. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 250. (Offered spring semester.)
Introduction to the concept of energy and the laws governing the transfers and transformations of energy. Emphasis on thermodynamic properties and the first and second law analysis of systems and control volumes. Integration of these concepts into the analysis of basic power cycles is introduced. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 240 and PHYS 220. ENGR 308 and PHYS 220 may be taken concurrently. (Offered fall semester.)
In mechanics of materials course equilibrium equations, material law equations, and the geometry of deformation are used to analyze the response of simple structural components. The analyzed components include rods subjected to axial loading, beams in bending, shafts loaded in torsion, thin-walled pressure vessels, slender columns susceptible to buckling etc. Principal stresses and the maximum shear stress are determined. Predominantly the linear elastic range of material behavior is studied. Laboratory sessions aim to verify theoretical knowledge and further develop students
This course is a multi-disciplinary project-based course that combines mechanical and electronic/electrical systems. The course introduces students to integration of mechanical systems analysis, sensors, software development, electrical systems, control algorithms, testing, design, and simulations of robotic systems. Being a project-based course, it will have a substantial laboratory component supporting team-based design, integration, and testing of robotic systems. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 230. (Offered spring semester.)
This course introduces the concept of designing with environmental responsibility in mind. Current environmental regulations, their historical significance, and the agencies responsible for enforcement are introduced. Sustainability in engineering will be defined with it's impacts on the economy and society. New and established technologies promoting sustainability will be evaluated. The concept of life-cycle costs will be introduced. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 240. (Offered spring semester.)
Foundations, principles, methods and tools for effective design and management of projects in technology-based organizations. This course focuses on the scope, time, cost, performance and quality concerns of engineering projects characterized by risk and uncertainty. Initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, controlling, and closing process are addressed. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 240. (Offered fall semester.)
Introduces the theory and the practice of engineering ethics in multi-disciplinary and cross-cultural contexts. Students will consider ethics and philosophy of engineering and reflect on historical and hypothetical cases that are relevant to ethical practices of engineers. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 240. (Offered spring semester.)
A culminating experience for majors. Student teams begin a system level design of a project (a nondisclosure agreement may be required). Projects are selected from a variety of topics. Students provide detailed schedules for building prototype systems and present periodic progress reports. During the course, students produce a technical specification, undergo several design reviews, and design a prototype system. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 240 and ENGR 352. ENGR 352 and ENGR 401 may be taken concurrently. (Offered fall semester.)
Student teams continue to implement and refine the prototype design from ENGR 401. This substantive project demonstrates a synthesis of learning accumulated in the major, including broad comprehensive knowledge of related disciplines and methodologies. Teams author detailed technical manuals. Periodic progress reports and final presentations are required, as well as multimedia portfolios of major projects the students have finished. Meets the general education senior seminar and upper division writing intensive requirements. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 360 and ENGR 401. ENGR 360 and ENGR 402 may be taken concurrently. (Offered spring semester.)
The first course in the regular calculus sequence. Basic techniques of differentiation and integration are covered. Topics from Analytic Geometry are introduced. Meets the general education quantitative reasoning requirement. Prerequisite: MATH 111 or equivalent background. (Offered fall semester.)
Techniques of integration, sequences and series, parametric equations, vector valued functions. Prerequisite: MATH 115. (Offered spring semester.)
The differential and integral calculus of multi-variate functions, line and surface integrals, Green's Theorem, Divergence Theorem, Stokes' Theorem. Prerequisite: MATH 116. (Offered fall semester.)
First-order differential equations, linear equations, and linear systems, power series solutions, Laplace Transforms. Prerequisite: MATH 116. (Offered fall semester.)
A calculus-based introductory physics course that covers kinematics and Newton
Continuation of PHYS 200 covering electric fields and forces, electric potential, resistors, capacitors and DC circuits; magnetic fields and forces, electromagnetic induction and inductors, electromagnetic waves and Maxwell
The third semester of the introductory physics sequence as required by physics and engineering majors. Topics covered include introduction to relativity, quantum mechanics, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, condensed matter, nuclear physics, the standard models of particle physics, the standard cosmological model, and new frontiers of physics. (Three hours lecture and two hours of lab per week.) Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in PHYS 210 Corequisite: PHYS 220L (Offered fall semester.)
Engineering Electives 2
- Select an additional nine credits of electives. (Credits Required: 9.00)
A study of legislation and implementing regulatory bodies dealing with U.S. and international policy. Students will gain a balanced, yet critical, account of how regulation is carried out, and the effect of political forces. Issues of general interest (e.g., solid waste, water, and air quality) are explored, as are emerging issues such as environmental waste at nuclear weapons facilities and political problems inherent in protecting biodiversity. The crisis of regulatory capacity in the U.S., which has developed in the environmental field since 1970, including deficiencies in institutional and policy design are also examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 110, BIOL 112, and CHEM 112
Organisms do not exist or function in a vacuum, but are strongly influenced by their environment and, in turn, alter that environment and affect the growth and development of other organisms. In this course we will consider the interaction of organisms and their environments. We will study ecological processes functioning at levels of individuals, populations, communities, and ecosystems. (Three hours lecture and three hours lab per week.) Prerequisite: BIOL 112. (Offered fall semester.) Corequisite: BIOL 370L
Logic circuit elements, logic function and Boolean algebra, combinational logic circuits, PLD and CPLD, introduction to VHDL, sequential logic circuits, finite state machine, memory devices and systems. Two hours lecture and one two-hour lab per week. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 101 and PHYS 210. Corequisite: ENGR 302L. (Offered fall semester of odd calendar years.)
Introduction to principal concepts and methods of fluid mechanics. Topics include pressure, hydrostatics, and buoyancy; open systems and control volume analysis; mass conservation and momentum conservation for moving fluids; viscous fluid flows, flow through pipes; dimensional analysis; boundary layers, and lift and drag on objects. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in PHYS 210. (Offered fall semester of odd calendar years.)
This course will address principles and properties of engineering materials and manufacturing processes with a focus on their appropriate selection in design. Based on these principles and properties, as well as hands-on laboratory experiences, students will develop systematic methods for matching materials and process choices to the mechanical, thermal, electro-magnetic, and environmental constraints set by the technical requirements of a design problem or project. Prerequisites: Grade of C- or higher in CHEM 111, ENGR 322, and PHYS 210. (Offered fall semester of even calendar years.)
This course will address development of basic, practical knowledge and skills in operating manual and CNC-controlled machine tools. Both subtractive and additive manufacturing processes will be explored, and students will learn best practices for making informed choices between them based on design needs. Computer aided manufacturing (CAM) will be introduced to provide background for future courses (e.g. senior capstone project). Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 312. (Offered spring semester of odd calendar years.)
Nanotechnology has rapidly developed during the recent decades and it attracts more and more interests. Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary field and combines with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, and Engineering. This elective course will introduce the fundamentals and applications of nanotechnology from various aspects. Various contemporary progresses and applications of nanotechnology will be presented and discussed. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in PHYS 220. (Offered fall semester of even calendar years.)
Topics in physical optics include the Fresnel laws of refraction and reflection, interference, Fourier analysis and diffraction. Topics in modern optics include Lasers, electroptics, nonlinear optics, and fiber optics. Prerequisites: Grade of C- or higher in MATH 116 and PHYS 210. (Offered fall semester of odd calendar years.)
The course presents the three modes of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation. One-dimensional steady and transient conduction is studied for planar, cylindrical, and spherical geometries. The lumped capacitance analysis is used for transient conduction when appropriate. Analytical and numerical methods are presented for two-dimensional conduction problems, including the analysis of extended surfaces. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 308 and PHYS 220. Offered: Irregularly.
This course introduces systems dynamic control fundamentals and their design issues for electrical engineering applications. Emphasis is on linear, time-invariant, multi-input multi- output systems. Topics include open and closed-loop state-space representations, analytical solutions, computer simulations, stability, controllability and controller design. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 230. (Offered spring semester of odd calendar years.)
This course will cover the physics of diodes; diode applications; physics, biasing, and small-signal models of bipolar junction transistors (BJT's) and field-effect transistors (FET's); frequency response of amplifiers; feedback; oscillators; operational amplifiers; and active filters. (Three hours lecture and two hours lab each week.) Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 230. (Offered fall semester of even calendar years.)
This course will have a theoretical and hands-on experience of mathematical modeling in mechanical systems; thermal stresses, beam elements, and solid models. Prerequisites: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 308 and ENGR 322. (Offered spring semester of even calendar years.)
An introduction to microcontroller and embedded systems. Microcomputer hardware organization and software programming; use of microcontrollers in embedded systems. Two hours lecture and two hours lab. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 302. (Offered spring semester of even calendar years.)
Course covers portable water sources, treatments, and management. Topics also include applications of fluid mechanics to hydraulic infrastructure, principals of open channel flow, the hydrologic cycle, precipitation, evaporation, stream flow hydrographs, hydrologic and hydraulic stream routing, hydrologic measurements, and application of hydrologic models. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 240. Offered: Irregularly.
Introduces different energy sources and investigates methods to convert this energy into a useful form. Particular emphasis is given to their effects on environment and sustainability. Energy sources that are investigated, designed, built and tested include solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, and hydrogen fuel cells. Includes examples of the usage and comparision of each of these energy sources. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 240. Offered: Irregularly.
An intermediate course that is basic for graduate work in physics. Topics covered include direct and alternating current circuits, static electric and magnetic fields, and Maxwell's equations. Three hours lecture per week. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in PHYS 210. (Offered spring of even calendar years.)
Equilibrium thermodynamics, the first law, equations of state, changes of state, the second law, criteria for spontaneity, electrochemistry, and applications to chemical and physical systems. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in PHYS 220. (Offered spring semester of even calendar years.)
An intermediate course on quantum mechanics using matrix formalism and operator methods; quantum states of photons and electrons, measurement, angular momentum and rotation, two-particle systems and entanglement, time evolution, harmonic oscillator, wave mechanics in three dimension. Three hours lecture and three hours lab per week. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in PHYS 220. Corequisite: PHYS 324L. (Offered spring semester of odd calendar years.)
The course introduces quantum information and communication. Topics covered include basic information entropy and its quantum extension, density matrices, multiple qubit systems, entanglement, basic quantum gates, elementary quantum computing, communication protocols, quantum communication, quantum random number generation, dense coding, and quantum cryptography. The course also introduces major practical applications using photonics, trapped atoms and ions, and superconducting qubit systems. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in PHYS 220. (Offered spring semester of even calendar years.)
Laboratory applications of upper level physics in one of Greenville's labs. Special emphasis will be given to developing skills to conduct experiments and use of instrumentation, automation, and data analysis. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in PHYS 220. (Offered fall semester of odd calendar years.)
Choose BIOL110 or CHEM112
- Choose BIOL 110 or CHEM 112 (Courses Required: 1)
This course deals with the basic principles of biology. Consideration is given to cell biology and structural and functional organization of plants and animals. Principles of reproduction, genetics, and ecology are introduced as well as a brief survey of the kingdoms of living organisms. Beginning course for all biology majors. Meets the general education laboratory science requirement. (Three hours lecture and two hours lab per week.) (Offered every semester.) Corequisite: BIOL 110L
Basic principles of chemical reactions and descriptive chemistry are integrated in terms of the periodic table, atomic structure, bond types, molecular geometry, reaction rates, and thermodynamics. (Three lecture hours and three hours lab per week.) (Offered spring semester). Corequisite: CHEM 112L
Engineering Electives 1
- Select nine credits of courses with an ENGR prefix. (Credits Required: 9.00)
Logic circuit elements, logic function and Boolean algebra, combinational logic circuits, PLD and CPLD, introduction to VHDL, sequential logic circuits, finite state machine, memory devices and systems. Two hours lecture and one two-hour lab per week. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 101 and PHYS 210. Corequisite: ENGR 302L. (Offered fall semester of odd calendar years.)
Introduction to principal concepts and methods of fluid mechanics. Topics include pressure, hydrostatics, and buoyancy; open systems and control volume analysis; mass conservation and momentum conservation for moving fluids; viscous fluid flows, flow through pipes; dimensional analysis; boundary layers, and lift and drag on objects. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in PHYS 210. (Offered fall semester of odd calendar years.)
This course will address principles and properties of engineering materials and manufacturing processes with a focus on their appropriate selection in design. Based on these principles and properties, as well as hands-on laboratory experiences, students will develop systematic methods for matching materials and process choices to the mechanical, thermal, electro-magnetic, and environmental constraints set by the technical requirements of a design problem or project. Prerequisites: Grade of C- or higher in CHEM 111, ENGR 322, and PHYS 210. (Offered fall semester of even calendar years.)
This course will address development of basic, practical knowledge and skills in operating manual and CNC-controlled machine tools. Both subtractive and additive manufacturing processes will be explored, and students will learn best practices for making informed choices between them based on design needs. Computer aided manufacturing (CAM) will be introduced to provide background for future courses (e.g. senior capstone project). Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 312. (Offered spring semester of odd calendar years.)
Nanotechnology has rapidly developed during the recent decades and it attracts more and more interests. Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary field and combines with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, and Engineering. This elective course will introduce the fundamentals and applications of nanotechnology from various aspects. Various contemporary progresses and applications of nanotechnology will be presented and discussed. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in PHYS 220. (Offered fall semester of even calendar years.)
Topics in physical optics include the Fresnel laws of refraction and reflection, interference, Fourier analysis and diffraction. Topics in modern optics include Lasers, electroptics, nonlinear optics, and fiber optics. Prerequisites: Grade of C- or higher in MATH 116 and PHYS 210. (Offered fall semester of odd calendar years.)
The course presents the three modes of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation. One-dimensional steady and transient conduction is studied for planar, cylindrical, and spherical geometries. The lumped capacitance analysis is used for transient conduction when appropriate. Analytical and numerical methods are presented for two-dimensional conduction problems, including the analysis of extended surfaces. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 308 and PHYS 220. Offered: Irregularly.
This course introduces systems dynamic control fundamentals and their design issues for electrical engineering applications. Emphasis is on linear, time-invariant, multi-input multi- output systems. Topics include open and closed-loop state-space representations, analytical solutions, computer simulations, stability, controllability and controller design. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 230. (Offered spring semester of odd calendar years.)
This course will cover the physics of diodes; diode applications; physics, biasing, and small-signal models of bipolar junction transistors (BJT's) and field-effect transistors (FET's); frequency response of amplifiers; feedback; oscillators; operational amplifiers; and active filters. (Three hours lecture and two hours lab each week.) Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 230. (Offered fall semester of even calendar years.)
This course will have a theoretical and hands-on experience of mathematical modeling in mechanical systems; thermal stresses, beam elements, and solid models. Prerequisites: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 308 and ENGR 322. (Offered spring semester of even calendar years.)
An introduction to microcontroller and embedded systems. Microcomputer hardware organization and software programming; use of microcontrollers in embedded systems. Two hours lecture and two hours lab. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 302. (Offered spring semester of even calendar years.)
Course covers portable water sources, treatments, and management. Topics also include applications of fluid mechanics to hydraulic infrastructure, principals of open channel flow, the hydrologic cycle, precipitation, evaporation, stream flow hydrographs, hydrologic and hydraulic stream routing, hydrologic measurements, and application of hydrologic models. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 240. Offered: Irregularly.
Introduces different energy sources and investigates methods to convert this energy into a useful form. Particular emphasis is given to their effects on environment and sustainability. Energy sources that are investigated, designed, built and tested include solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, and hydrogen fuel cells. Includes examples of the usage and comparision of each of these energy sources. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in ENGR 240. Offered: Irregularly.