Core Course Requirements
The first course in the regular calculus sequence. Basic techniques of differentiation and integration are covered. Topics from Analytic Geometry are introduced. Meets the general education quantitative reasoning requirement. Prerequisite: MATH 111 or equivalent background. (Offered fall semester.)
Techniques of integration, sequences and series, parametric equations, vector valued functions. Prerequisite: C- or better in MATH 115. (Offered spring semester.)
The differential and integral calculus of multi-variate functions, line and surface integrals, Green's Theorem, Divergence Theorem, Stokes' Theorem. Prerequisite: MATH 116. (Offered fall semester.)
First-order differential equations, linear equations, and linear systems, power series solutions, Laplace Transforms. Prerequisite: MATH 116. (Offered fall semester.)
This course is designed to give the mathematics student his or her first serious encounter with mathematical systems. Elements of the theory of vector spaces are developed. The student gains experience in matrix algebra, vectors, and linear transformations. Meets the general education upper division writing intensive requirement. Prerequisite: MATH 115. (Offered spring semester.)
Upper Division Mathematic - Complete 12 Credits (Credits Required: 12.00)
Treatment of probability applied to discrete and continuous distributions; tests of hypotheses; independence and correlation; sampling theory. Prerequisite: MATH 217. (Offered spring semester of even calendar years.)
Includes an introduction to history of mathematics, particularly contributions of Greek scholars; study of Euclid 's elements; transition to Non-Euclidean geometrics developed by Gauss, Bolyai, Lobachevski, and Riemann; history of calculus and mathematical structures. Prerequisite: MATH 217. (Offered spring semester of odd calendar years.)
Provides an experience in the uses of mathematics. Use and development of mathematical models will be considered. Topics will range from applications in the social sciences to physics and engineering. The choice of material will be based on current trends in mathematics applications and on students' needs. Prerequisite: MATH 217, MATH 218 and MATH 312. (Offered spring semester of even calendar years.)
Introduces basic theory in the numerical solution of mathematical problems. Topics include nonlinear equations, systems of linear equations, interpolating polynomials, numerical differentiation, integration, and solution of differential equations. Prerequisite: CIST 210, MATH 217, MATH 218 and MATH 312. (Offered spring semester of odd calendar years.)
Axiomatic treatment of selected algebraic structures, including rings, integral domains, fields and groups, including an introduction to number theory. Prerequisite: MATH 312. (Offered fall semester of odd calendar years.)
The language, fundamental concepts, and standard theorems of analysis are explored. The student learns to read the literature and investigates applications. Ideas from elementary calculus are revisited. Prerequisite: MATH 217 and MATH 312. (Offered fall semester of even calendar years.)
Choose One Course - CIST 210 is required; however, MATH 170 could be taken if CIST 210 is not offered timely. (Courses Required: 1)
Using a modern high-level programming language, this course introduces algorithmic problem solving, basic control structures, basic data structures, and procedural abstraction. Prerequisites: MATH 111 and CIST 140. (Offered fall semester.)