Commencement 2025 details announced

GU's 2025 Commencement schedule and details are live.


Benjamin Wayman


Ben Wayman holds the James F. and Leona N. Andrews Chair for Christianity at Greenville University. He is also Chair of the Bastian School of Theology, Philosophy, and Ministry and Associate Professor of Theology. In addition to these roles, Ben serves as the Program Director of Theological Studies, Director of THEO 110 (the university’s core theology course), and Director of the Ministry Internship Program. Ben also serves as the senior pastor of St. Paul’s Free Methodist Church.


2013 Ph.D. | Historical Theology | Saint Louis University | St. Louis, MO
2007 M.Div. | Duke Divinity School | Durham, NC
2002 B.A. in Philosophy and Psychology | Greenville University | Greenville, IL

Courses taught:

BIBL 172/372: Christian Unity in Diversity: Reading the New Testament in Honduras
BIBL 173/373: Interpreting the City: Reading the New Testament in Spain
BIBL 215: New Testament Survey
BIBL 352: Paul’s Letters
BIBL 353(H): Matthew, Mark, Luke
CORE 301: Liberal Arts and Christian Thought
CORE 399: Christian Ethics
GREK 101: Elementary New Testament Greek I
GREK 102: Elementary New Testament Greek II
HONR 270: Theology and Philosophy (honors)
THEO 110: Introduction to Christian Thought and Life
THEO 170: Theology Baseball
THEO 200: Introduction to Ministry
THEO 265: Preaching
THEO 343: Early Christianity
THEO 405: Ministry Internship
THEO 452: Methods in Wesleyan Theology
THEO 553: Justice Ministry: The Gospel and The Politics of Race
UNIV 101: Introduction to College Life & Learning; Luke and the Great Reversal
Faith Integration for New Faculty, 2023-2024


Diodore the Theologian: Πρόνοια in his Commentary on Psalms 1-50, Studia Traditionis Theologiae 15, Foreword by Rowan A. Greer (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2014).

Make the Words Your Own: An Early Christian Guide to the Psalms, Foreword by Stanley Hauerwas and Afterword by Fr. David V. Meconi, S.J. (Brewster, MA: Paraclete Press, 2014).

Ordaining Women: New Edition with an Introduction and Notes by B. T. Roberts, New edition by Benjamin D. Wayman, Foreword by Christy Mesaros-Winckles and Howard A. Snyder (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2015) 160p.

La ordenación de la mujer by B. T. Roberts, New edition by Benjamin D. Wayman, Foreword by Delia Nüesch-Olver; Translated by Alma L. Jasinski and Sofía Martínez Jackson (Indianapolis, IN: Light+Life Publishers, 2018) 206p.

Select articles:

“Drip Hoses and Worship: Justo González on the Future of Theological Education,” Apuntes, forthcoming.

“Early Christian Worship, the Medicine of Immortality” Illustrated Bible Life, forthcoming.

“Gratitude Changes Our Desires: Christians Worship a Strange Giver Who Gives Strange Gifts in Strange Ways” with Kent Dunnington, Christianity Today (26 April 2023).

“The Role of the Psalms in the Development of Early Church Teaching on Ascent,” in Patristic Spirituality: Classical Perspectives on Ascent in the Journey to God, Studies in Theology and Religion, vol. 30, eds. Don W. Springer and Kevin Clarke and (Leiden: Brill Press, 2022) 13–33.

“Recovering Repentance (Psalm 32:1-6)” Light + Life Magazine (10 October 2022).

“The pandemic and the future of theology: A conversation with Stanley Hauerwas,” with Kent Dunnington, ABC Religion & Ethics (25 May 2022).

“Friendship Through a Pandemic: Seeing More Clearly with Stanley Hauerwas,” Mere Orthodoxy (18 April 2022).

“Meditations from ‘The Duty of Constant Communion’ by John Wesley,” Thy Presence My Light: A Free Methodist Prayer Book, Year C Revised Common Lectionary (Indianapolis, IN: Ignite Press, 2021) 85-102.

“Imagining the Future of Theological Education: Conversations with Rowan Williams, Justo González, Emilie Townes, and Sam Wells,” Cover article in The Christian Century 138.4 (24 February 2021) 20-25.

Online: “Imagining the Future of Theological Education” The Christian Century (10 February 2021).

“Julian against Christian Educators: Julian and Basil on a Proper Education,” Christian Scholar’s Review 45.3 (2016) 249–267.

“Diodore on the Politics of Kingship in Psalm 2,” in Sacred Scripture and Secular Struggles, The Bible in Ancient Christianity 9, ed. David V. Meconi (Leiden: Brill Press, 2015) 139–161.

Ordaining Women and The Woman’s Bible: Reading the Bible with B. T. Roberts and Elizabeth Cady Stanton,” Women’s Studies: An interdisciplinary journal 43.5 (2014) 541–566.

“Lactantius’s Power Struggle: A Theological Analysis of the Divine Institutes, Book V,” Political Theology 14.3 (2013) 304–324.

“The Syriac Transmission of Basil of Caesarea’s On the Holy Spirit,” in The Use of Textual Criticism for the Interpretation of Patristic Texts: Seventeen Case Studies, eds. Kenneth B. Steinhauser and Scott Dermer (Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2013) 335–369.

“Accentuation and Causes for the Obscurity in the Divine Scriptures: Polychronius’ Prologue to Job,” Horizons in Biblical Theology 35.1 (2013) 61–69.

“Women as Types of the Church in the Blank Bible: The ‘Feminine’ Ecclesiology of Jonathan Edwards” with Appendix, Jonathan Edwards Studies 2.2 (2012) 56–82.

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