Related Experience
Dr. Ahern has had 35 years of experience in College teaching. Areas of special interest and emphasis in his teaching have included Parasitology Invertebrate Zoology and Microbiology. He also teaches a course in Cell Biology. In addition to his classroom teaching.
Extensive administrative experience, serving 25 years as Biology Department Head and seventeen years as either vice chair or chair of the Greenville College Faculty Council. This administrative experience has included college wide program development and budget management responsibilities.
Responsible for coordinating the development of the Greenville College Zahniser Institute for Environmental Studies.
Directed for two years and participated in other years: Ill. Board of Higher Education Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Development Program Grant for In-Service Training K-12 Teachers of Mathematics and Science. (Science and Math Opportunities Program)
Currently responsible for leading in the development of the John and Martha Ayers Science Field Station located on 140 acres four miles north of the College campus.
Nine years on the Faculty Advisory Board of AuSable Institute of Environmental Sttudies in Manselona Michigan. Seven years on the Menonite School of Nursing (Blumington, IL) Faculty Advisory Board.
Editor of "Student Premedical Guide" Research Associate in Dept. of Medical Microbiology & Immunology, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, IL (sabbatical leave from Greenville College 1985). State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) environmental assessment (EA) for stormwater treatment facility for Capital Region Airport Commission / Richmond International Airport (RIC); Henrico County and Richmond, VA. Senior Scientist with Zahinser Institute for Environmental Studies, Greenville College on cooperative agreement with the city of Greenville, IL, funded by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency “Clean Lakes Program”. We are providing Lake Quality Studies working with: water chemistry, wildlife inventory, sediment study, bacteriological studies etc. (summer 1999 – present) Consultant to Kingsbury Park District, Greenville, IL on the development of a Nature Preserve and park use. Supervisor & coordinator for Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) environmental project at Kingsbury Park District