Through the years Greenville University has retained a long‑standing tradition of academic freedom for the members of its faculty. Once a faculty member has declared allegiance at the time of employment to the Philosophy of Education, Theological Assumptions, and the Institutional Goals and Objectives of the institution (see Part One, sections III, IV, and V of this Handbook), especially within the context of liberal education, the faculty member is accepted without continuing scrutiny relative to activity on the campus.
Greenville University expects its faculty members to be Christian in faith and action, but does not expect them to pledge themselves to any rigid conformity in relation to thoughts and actions. This is not to suggest, of course, that the faculty is relieved of those basic standards of conduct outlined in the Lifestyle Statement Greenville insists upon for its residential students. The Greenville tradition of academic freedom abhors the declaration of certain topics or avenues of research as "out of bounds" for the members of its faculty. The school's institutional philosophy, which mandates the quest for truth as central to purposeful human life, requires every teacher and student to investigate, to draw conclusions freely, and to communicate the findings as the teacher believes it is appropriate to do so. It is understood that in this activity the teacher will always act judiciously and responsibly toward the students of the College, fellow faculty members, the larger Christian constituency which the College attempts to serve, and the larger society. The University expects each faculty member to be open in the classroom toward philosophies of life and factual information which appear to contradict the general position of Greenville. Greenville believes that the exploration of such matters actually strengthens the nature of the academic program and gives greater assurance eventually of the realization of the purposes of the University, whether religious or academic.
The University assumes that any faculty member who finds himself or herself out of harmony with the statement of the Philosophy of Education, Theological Assumptions, the Institutional Goals and Objectives, and the Lifestyle Statement of the institution will take the necessary steps to bring about separation from Greenville. Should any teacher be censored or dismissed for any charge for improper exercise of academic freedom, he or she shall have the right of appeal as explained in the tenure policies of the institution.